August 24, 2023 (updated March 5, 2025)
This collection of acronyms, like a herbarium, documents parts of the worlds of design, computer science, and software engineering I’ve had the pleasure of visiting, if only briefly, so far.
Acronyms count: 327
2FA | Two-Factor Authentication |
3P | Third Party |
A11y | Accessibility |
ACID | Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability |
AFK | Away From Keyboard |
AI | Artificial Intelligence |
AJAX | Asynchronous JavaScript and XML |
AMD | Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. |
AMD | Asynchronous Module Definition |
ANSI | American National Standards Institute |
API | Application Programming Interface |
APIaaS | API as a Service |
ASCII | American Standard Code for Information Interchange |
ASI | Automatic Semicolon Insertion |
AST | Abstract Syntax Tree |
AT&T | American Telephone and Telegraph |
AWS | Amazon Web Services |
BASIC | Beginners' All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code |
BDD | Behavior-Driven Design |
BDUF | Big Design Up Front |
BE | Back End |
BEM | Block, Element, Modifier |
BINAC | Binary Automatic Computer |
BIOS | Basic Input/Output System |
BLOB | Binary Large Object |
BOM | Browser Object Model |
BUC | Business Use-Case |
BSOD | Blue Screen of Death |
CD | Compact Disk |
CD | Continuous Delivery |
CD | Continuous Deployment |
CD-ROM | Compact Disk Read-Only Memory |
CDD | Component-Driven Development |
CDN | Content Delivery Network |
CI | Continuous Integration |
CJM | Customer Journey Map |
CJS | Common.js |
CLI | Command Line Interface |
CMS | Content Management System |
CMYK | Cyan Magenta Yellow Key |
CMU | Carnegie Mellon University |
CPP | C++ |
CPU | Central Processing Unit |
CR | Carriage Return |
CRA | Create React App |
CRUD | Create Read Update Delete |
CS | Computer Science |
CSF | Component Story Format |
CSP | Content Security Policy |
CSR | Client-Side Rendering |
CSS | Cascading Style Sheets |
CSV | Comma-Separated Values |
CT | Continuous Testing |
CTA | Call To Action |
CX | Customer Experience |
D3 | Data-Driven Documents |
DaaS | Data as a Service |
DAM | Digital Asset Management |
DB | Database |
DDD | Domain Driven Design |
DDoS | Distributed Denial-of-Service |
DFA | Deterministic Finite Automaton |
DFSA | Deterministic Finite-State Automaton |
DFSM | Deterministic Finite-State Machine |
DNS | Domain Name System |
DoD | Definition of Done |
DOM | Document Object Model |
DOS | Disk Operating System |
dp | Density-independent Pixels |
DPA | Data Processing Agreement |
DRY | Don't Repeat Yourself |
DSL | Domain-Specific Language |
DSV | Delimiter-Separated Values |
DTD | Document Type Definition |
DVD | Digital Versatile Disk |
DX | Developer Experience |
EBP | Elementary Business Process |
EE | Electrical Engineering |
emf | Electromotive Force |
ENIAC | Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer |
ENOENT | Error No Entity |
EOF | End of File |
EOL | End of Life |
EOL | End of Line |
EOY | End of Year |
ERTW | Engineers Rule The World |
ESM | ECMAScript Modules |
ESP | Email Service Provider |
EV | Environment Variable |
FaaS | Function as a Service |
FAB | Floating Action Button |
FAQ | Frequentyly Asked Questions |
FCP | First Contentful Paint |
FE | Front End |
FIFO | First In, First Out (see LIFO) |
FOSS | Free and Open-Source Software |
FSF | Free Software Foundation |
FSM | Finite-State Machine |
FTP | File Transfer Protocol |
FY | Fiscal Year |
Gb | Gigabit |
GB | Gigabyte |
Gbps | Gigabits per second |
GC | Garbage Collector |
GCC | GNU Compiler Collection |
GCP | Google Cloud Platform |
GDPR | General Data Protection Regulation |
GFM | GitHub Flavored Markdown |
GIF | Graphics Interchange Format |
GLSL | OpenGL Shading Language |
GNU | GNU's Not Unix |
GPL | GNU General Public License |
GPU | Graphics Processing Unit |
GTM | Google Tag Manager |
GUI | Graphical User Interface |
GUID | Globally Unique Identifier |
GWT | Google Web Toolkit |
HCD | Human-Centered Design |
HCI | Human-Computer Interaction |
HDMI | High-Definition Multimedia Interface |
HHD | Hybrid Hard Drive |
HN | Hacker News |
HOF | Higher-Order Function |
HSB | Hue Saturation Brightness |
HSL | Hue Saturation Lightness |
HSLA | Hue Saturation Lightness Alpha |
HTML | Hyper-Text Markup Language |
HTTP | Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol |
HTTPS | Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol Secure |
HMR | Hot Module Replacement |
I/O | Input/Output |
I18n | Internationalization |
IA | Information Architecture |
IaaS | Infrastructure as a Service |
IAM | Identity and Access Management |
IANA | Internet Assigned Numbers Authority |
IBM | International Business Machines Corporation |
IDE | Integrated Development Environment |
IE | Internet Explorer |
IEEE | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers |
IIFE | Immediately Invoked Function Expression |
IMAP | Internet Message Access Protocol |
IME | Input Method Editor |
iOS | iPhone Operating System |
IoT | Internet of Things |
IP | Internet Protocol |
IPC | Inter-Process Communication |
IPS | In-Plane Switching |
ISO | International Organization for Standardization |
ISP | Interface Segregation Principle |
ISP | Internet Service Provider |
IT | Information Technology |
JIT | Just-In-Time |
JS | JavaScript |
JSON | JavaScript Object Notation |
JSX | JavaScript XML |
JTBD | Jobs To Be Done |
JVM | Java Virtual Machine |
JWT | JSON Web Tokens |
k8s | Kubernetes |
Kb | Kilobit |
KB | Kilobyte |
Kbps | Kilobits per second |
KISS | Keep It Simple, Stupid |
KMS | Knowledge Management System |
KPI | Key Performance Indicator |
L10n | Localization |
LAN | Local Area Network |
LCD | Liquid-Crystal Display |
LED | Light-Emitting Diode |
LF | Line Feed |
LGTM | Looks Good to Me |
LIFO | Last In, First Out (see FIFO) |
LLM | Large Language Model |
LOC | Lines of Code |
LTR | Left-To-Right (see RTL) |
LTS | Long-Term Support |
MAC | Message Authentication Code |
Mb | Megabit |
MB | Megabyte |
Mbps | Megabits per second |
MD | Markdown |
MDN | Mozilla Developer Network |
MFA | Multi-Factor Authentication |
MIT | Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
MMD | MultiMarkdown |
MOOC | Massive Open Online Courses |
MR | Merge Request |
MVC | Model-View-Controller |
MVP | Minimum Viable Product |
MVVM | Model-View-ViewModel |
NAS | Network-Attached Storage |
NASA | National Aeronautics and Space Administration |
NFA | Nondeterministic Finite Automaton |
NFSA | Nondeterministic Finite-State Automaton |
NFSM | Nondeterministic Finite-State Machine |
NLP | Natural Language Processing |
NoSQL | Not Only SQL |
npm | Node Package Manager |
NPS | Net Promoter Score |
NVM | Node Version Manager |
OCI | Oracle Cloud Infrastructure |
OFL | Open Font License |
OKR | Objectives and Key Results |
OMG | Object Management Group |
OOA | Object-Oriented Analysis |
OOD | Object-Oriented Design |
OOP | Object-Oriented Programming |
ORM | Object-Relational Mapping |
OS | Operating System |
OSI | Open Systems Interconnection |
OTP | One-Time Password |
OWASP | Open Worldwide Application Security Project |
PaaS | Platform as a Service |
PC | Personal Computer |
PHP | PHP Hypertext Preprocessor |
PII | Personal Identifiable Information |
POC | Proof Of Concept |
PM | Product Manager |
PM | Project Manager |
PO | Product Owner |
PR | Pull Request |
PX | Pixel |
PW | Password |
QA | Quality Assurance |
QOL | Quality of Life |
RAID | Redundant Array of Independent Disks |
RAM | Random Access Memory |
RBAC | Role-Based Access Control |
RDBMS | Relational Database Management System |
RE | Regular Expression |
REPL | Read-Eval-Print Loop |
REST | Representational State Transfer |
RFC | Request for Comments |
RGB | Red Green Blue |
RGBA | Red Green Blue Alpha |
ROI | Return on Investment |
RoR | Ruby on Rails |
ROM | Read-Only Memory |
RSS | Really Simple Syndication |
RTF | Rich Text Format |
RTFM | Read the Fucking Manual |
RTL | Right-To-Left (see LTR) |
RTL | React Testing Library |
RWD | Responsive Web Design |
SaaS | Software as a Service |
SAN | Storage Area Network |
Sass | Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets |
SDK | Software Development Kit |
SERP | Search Engine Result Page |
SFC | Single-File Component |
SHA | Secure Hash Algorithm |
SICP | Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs |
SIP | System Integrity Protection |
SLOC | Source Lines of Code |
SME | Subject Matter Expert |
SMIL | Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language |
SMTP | Simple Mail Transfer Protocol |
SOAP | Simple Object Access Protocol |
SoC | System on a Chip |
SPA | Single-Page Application |
SRE | Site Reliability Engineering |
SSD | Solid-State Drive |
SSG | Static Site Generator |
SSH | Secure Shell |
SSL | Secure Sockets Layer |
SSO | Single Sign-On |
SSR | Server-Side Rendering |
SUD | System Under Discussion |
SUT | System Under Test |
SQL | Structured Query Language |
STEM | Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics |
SUC | System Use-Case |
SUS | System Usability Scale |
SVG | Scalable Vector Graphics |
SVN | Apache Subversion |
SWE | Software Engineer |
TB | Terabyte |
TCP | Transmission Control Protocol |
TDD | Test-Driven Development |
TDZ | Temporal Dead Zone |
TOC | Table of Contents |
TS | TypeScript |
TSV | Tab-Separated Values |
TTFB | Time to First Byte |
TUI | Text-based User Interface |
UCD | User-Centered Design |
UDP | User Datagram Protocol |
UEFI | Unified Extensible Firmware Interface |
UI | User Interface |
UID | Unique Identifier |
UMD | Universal Module Definition |
UML | Unified Modeling Language |
UNIVAC | Universal Automatic Computer |
URI | Uniform Resource Identifier |
URL | Uniform Resource Locator |
USB | Universal Serial Bus |
UTF | Unicode Transformation Format |
UUID | Universally Unique Identifier |
UX | User Experience |
UXD | User Experience Design |
UXR | User Experience Research |
VCS | Version Control System |
VDOM | Virtual DOM |
VFS | Virtual File System |
VM | Virtual Machine |
VPN | Virtual Private Network |
VPS | Virtual Private Server |
W3C | World Wide Web Consortium |
WAF | Web Application Firewall |
Wasm | WebAssembly |
Wi-Fi | Wireless Fidelity |
WIP | Work In Progress |
WLAN | Wireless Local Area Network |
WP | WordPress |
WSJF | Weighted Shortest Job First |
WSL | Windows Subsystem for Linux |
WTF | What the fuck |
WWW | World Wide Web |
WYSIWYG | What You See Is What You Get |
XHR | XMLHttpRequest |
XHTML | Extensible HyperText Markup Language |
XML | Extensible Markup Language |
XP | Extreme Programming |
YML | Yandex Market Language |
YAGNI | You Aren't Gonna Need It |
YAML | YAML Ain't Markup Language |